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Unlock Your Heart in Backbends
Posted on May 29 2018
Backbending poses are powerful reminders that you have to open your heart to be fearless. So why are these asanas so scary for so many yoga practitioners? Acknowledging that you need do some mental/spiritual homework before making peace with backbends is an important part of learning to love this aspect of your practice. The next step is to start exploring the physical movement in a non-threatening way.
Three Reasons to Avoid Shoulderstand
Posted on May 22 2018
Shoulderstand is a beautiful and relaxing yoga inversion, however, if suffer from one of these three conditions, you may want to avoid it.
Eight Reasons to Become a Yoga Teacher
Posted on May 21 2018
There are many benefits to teaching yoga, and here are eight good reasons why.
Is Yoga For You
Posted on May 21 2018
The physical practice of yoga is the most popular and fastest growing exercise trend of all. Over the last few years, this form of exercise has really taken off and more and more people are choosing it among all other forms of exercise.
Gentlemen: Guys Actually Do Yoga
Posted on May 21 2018
Let’s face it, at its first mention, yoga might not come off as the most masculine exercise. But that’s just it at its first mention. When you delve deeper into it, you will realize that nothing could be further from the truth.
Bikram Yoga, explained.
Posted on May 14 2018
There are many types of yoga, but Bikram yoga tends to stand out from the rest. Even though the practice is largely the same, you’ll immediately notice the difference in the environment — the room in which Bikram yoga is performed is heated between 90 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
Tips For Practicing Inversion Yoga Poses
Posted on May 12 2018
Inversion poses involve any asanas that lift the feet above the head. This simply means facilitating a different perspective. From the purely physical point of view, this different perspective in inversion poses is literal – in terms of looking at the world from a different physical viewpoint – as well as involving the body being supported in a different way. There may be fears or a sense of limitation about doing inversion poses that will be confronted. Overcoming the fear, and finally being able to do a difficult pose that you thought you couldn’t, can create positive psychological effects.
Yoga History 101
Posted on May 12 2018
When you practice yoga, it is, of course, not necessary to have a full understanding of yoga history in order to fully benefit from your practice, especially when your primary focus is Asana. A brief understanding of the history behind yoga, however, may increase your spiritual practice and inspire you to find out more about the tradition behind the discipline.
The Laws of Yoga
Posted on May 06 2018
Yoga is a science. Let me repeat: yoga is a science, and not a vague, dreamy drifting, or imagining. While it is true the west has been familiar with the practice of yoga for a relatively short time, yoga is not a new discipline, and it has been studied and practiced in many countries during the last century. Yoga is an applied science: a systematized collection of laws applied to bring about a definite end.
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